Saturday, March 30, 2013

Writing when feeling down !!

Sometimes I wish to write but i can't decide the subject. It seems whenever I feel down, I look for something to write and the development off late has been the shift from Dairy to Blog. Well, Unlike Dairy, I have to think before I write here. Now, that's ironical, since i believe the whole point of writing is to bring your heart out. And if it can't be done on blog the whole point of writing when feeling blue is lost.

This is when I came across the option of limiting audience. Well, its not that I wish to hide what I feel but It just seems unwanted to blog things that people would be least interested to read; at least that's what I believe. A read should have a story around it and something for reader to take away from it. A message to convey explicitly or implicitly.

Please let me know guyz. Would you read something that's gloomy and random.