Saturday, September 15, 2012

Wish I knew driving !!

It's a sunny Saturday morning here in miami. Strangely enough, I woke up early today. Probably because I received a book yesterday that I am planning to finish quickly. I had some other plan as well that just got cancelled. This gave me some time to write something before i grab the book like a nerd.

Experiences shapes up a person, makes perfect  sense to me. When you come in a different country all alone, you realize the importance of certain things that might have looked trivial all your life. Well, I am talking about driving here. I am 26 already and yes I don't know how to drive a car. I would hate that snear. It's not that I never tried to learn it but it's just that I always found more important things to do. Infact, sometimes sleeping turned out to be more important than driving. I know I am lazy sometimes particularly in tasks that I really hate to do. I was never passionate about driving. I always had alternatives such as Rickshaw, Auto, and Cabs but they are not a good alternative here. Why? Because they cost you big bucks here unlike my home country. So now I am completely dependent on my roomies and friends here. It's not too bad as they have always been there. However, it has not been too good either as I can't always ask them to go where I wish to. What actually is a problem is leaving to office and comming back as per their schedule. Infact not just office but almost everywhere.

The good news is I will be getting my driver licence now and am all set to hit the Miami roads with full enthusiasm.

Wish to blog soon when I hit the roads.

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