Friday, June 3, 2011

Worst Friday 'EVER' !!!!!

Wo WO WO...the bad stuffs seems not to end at all!!! This weekend seems to be like confronting hell in person. Well, to start with i have an exam tommorow, whose center is pretty far and i ve to get there by 8 am in the morning. Apart from horrible preperation, i have to take care of travel. Moreover, I am pretty held up with the design i am doing at work for a major project, and it was not enough that i just got the news from work that i have happened to done a disaster with one of the stuffs i recently deployed in production (that is application i went live with recently). Mannn!! there is just too much happening around and worst part is nothing seems to have been going right. I just wish i maintain my cool and do my exam tommorow. Its a long exam till evening and then i have to reach office to wind up the mess that just happened today. It all seems big, because i am very used to all good things happening around and well i must take it as an experience to enrich my life!! But i seriously hope evrythings settles down wellll and this LONG FRIDAY just comes to an end!!!!!

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