Monday, December 6, 2010

Confronting the darker side!!!

When the heart swells and becomes too heavy to breath
Its then that we realise things are not as good as we pretend to make them look
Self-consolation is no more the way to deal
An outright acceptance of reality could carve the way forward
Blatant denial or ignorance can just push you farther inside the darkness of life
It’s the hope and desire to fight,which breaks the dawn in life
Accepting failure as a destiny is not the way forward
Challenging the odds and fighting the fate to decide the future is the characteristics of a true winner
Sometimes we tend to believe that giving up would fetch us relief
But the guilt that it generates is far worse than the pain of failure
Continuous struggle to beat your own best, brings out something even better
And can change the unfortunate that you once saw impending
The aim you chose to achieve when you were most enthusiastic about life
Is the destination you are ought to achieve
Perseverance and patience seems to be the key to success
Giving up is not an option


  1. Short but powerful..super stuff buddy...

  2. how old are you... never realized if u r good enough for that

  3. u got a flair for writing.. keep it up!

  4. That was a profound philosophical truth Rohit. Going on and keeping up is what character is made of, quitting is cowardly.

  5. @karan,Pratibha & Dutta : Thanks a lot guyz..

  6. @Nikki : lol...
    @zephyr : Absolutely..I hope we all implement it in our lives..

  7. This is amazing, every line is just so well expressed.
    you should write more..
