Thursday, December 27, 2012

Requiem: Will the dead come back for the love ?

I just came across this book by a close friend and it takes away your breath by creative demonstration of love, life and death.

Here is the synopsis by the author:

Requiem is about love although it doesn’t look so until the latter half of the novel. It is the story of the unfulfilled love of the narrator. It is about Death, Love and Life. There are mistakes that a person makes but love often persists. And when it becomes so integral to your existence, you always tend to go back to it. It may haunt you in a sense but is often the sweetest memory that you carry. Requiem introduces Death as the beginning of a life beyond Life. Despite the vagaries it is associated with, Death can be a fascinating aspect of Life. It then moves to Love and describes how the two persons met and fell in love. And before love surmounts everything, one often loses to lust. Requiem details that journey of love. And when love had made things even, the tragedy of Death strikes. Requiem portrays Death and Love as the two continuous pursuits of man. While one fears the former, they always want the latter. Requiem shows the conflicts inside a human mind and how imagination can be a twisted reality.

Here is the link to buy the book:

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